Hello, my name is Benson and I want to tell you about my crazy Mommy and Daddy. They don't like to rock me to sleep anymore or let me have a bottle to fall asleep with, so they decided to let me put myself to sleep. I DON'T LIKE THIS IDEA!!!! and so usually I cry for a very long time and today I cried for so long, that by the time I fell asleep, this is what I looked like...
So funny! He is so cute even when he's sleeping!
There comes that time in most babies lives. So cute, but don't you woder HOW could he sleep like that????
That is hilarious. You got to do whole Ferber thing at 5 or 6 months before they can crawl and sit up. Then all they can do is lay their. They go right to sleep. Although we might hold off on the next one if we can get a classic picture like that.
WOW, that is so funny! I just want to kiss those sleeping cheeks (through the prison/crib bars). I am in love with him.
Benson, Benson, Benson. . . What a cute little boy you are. Whenever your mom and dad are being mean and won't put you to sleep you are always welcome to come to our house and play (or sleep). We love you! Nat- thanks for taking our pictures, I hope that we got at least one good one, we will see. THANKS!
Oh precious Benson! Wow that is funny! I don't understand how he could be comfortable like that. Did he sleep long? Haha! Funny post!
Oh my gosh! This is so cute! And thank you for being strong for Benson... i know how hard it can be sometimes to let them cry, but it is so important for them to be able to fall asleep on their own... As a nanny I have seen so many kids suffer because they never learned how to go to bed on their own...
That is funny. And you are not mean parents. It is the best for you and for him. I still don't understand how he can be comfortable like that. did he sleep very long?
that is so funny. He is adorable
That is to funny is so funny how they can fall asleep in any position.. Are you playing volleyball this season? You should it will be fun.
When went through the same thing with Lincoln, be tough and it will get better! Hang in there.
That is so cute. It is amazing that they will sleep like that. I wish I was a baby and could sleep anywhere! He is just adorable.
That is hilarious!
That is too cute! It had to leave a mark. HA!
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