When you get about half way through this (if you make it that far), you may be wondering if there is a point to all of this rambling. Please be assured that there is no point.
I have only seen my husband's chin, cleanly shaven, once in person. He could have a huge mole or wart on his chin, and I would not know it. The day he got home from his mission was the only time I've seen his bare chin (I'm sure his bare chin was the last thing on my mind). He was cleanly shaven after his mission for the amount of time that it took him to grow his goatee back, which is not long. I met him when I was 15, and even then, he had a big-ole goatee.
Casey was the kind of kid in high school (and Jr high) that could grow a beard faster than any of his teachers. His hairiness has grown on me (grown on me! ha ha ha). It's one of those things that I wasn't so sure about in the beginning, but now, I'm quite fond of it. Like Molly's red hair; at first I didn't know what to think about it. I didn't expect a red-headed child, and so when I got one, I had to get used to it. Now I freaking LOVE her red hair. It is so beautiful and unique, but it had to grow on me. And Benson's glasses; they have grown on me. Having a child with glasses seemed like a tragedy to me at first, but the more he wears them, the more I love them on him.
Maybe I love Molly's red hair and Benson's glasses because that's the duty of a mother. I'm sure my mother did not love everything about each of her seven children, but if she didn't love us, we didn't know it. Sometimes I think that I would love to turn into my mother. She is the sweetest lady I've ever known. When I hear myself saying something she would say or doing something she would do, I secretly thank my mother for teaching me the way to be a wonderful woman.
I'm turning out to be a lot like good ole Jan. When I was little she used to wash the dishes in boiling HOT water. I thought she was a nut! Who could stand water being so hot? Well, now I love HOT showers. Like almost to the point of scalding. I'm not sure why, it just feels so good. I don't care if my shower is long, but I do prefer it hot.
I also like me some good smellin' product in the shower. I love shampoo that smells like coconuts or soap that smells like raspberries. I do not, however, like to eat raspberries. I don't like to eat things with seeds. My sister in law made some really yummy pomegranate salad for Thanksgiving dinner, and even though it tasted so good, I couldn't eat it because I couldn't handle the pomegranate seeds. It was the highlight of Nick's Thanksgiving dinner, but I just couldn't do it, no matter how wonderful it tasted.
Everything is soooo super good on Thanksgiving, especially the potatoes. I always volunteer to bring the mashed potatoes to Thanksgiving dinner because I really love potatoes. I don't care how they're cooked, I just love potatoes. I like them baked, fried, mashed, whipped, scalloped, in soup, in salad, twice baked, and french fried.
I probably had more french fries by the time I was 20 than more people have in their whole lives. I started working at the Burger Bar when I was 14, and worked there off and on (mostly on) until I was 21. My favorite job to do there was fry (make the french fries and other fried food). I loved that job because it was the most complicated and hardest job of all. I used to love to push myself, and being in the middle of all the action was awesome. There were days when we'd be so busy I could hardly stop to think.
Where has all my ambition gone? Now I never volunteer to do the hardest jobs. I don't want to be caught up in all the action and business. I don't really want to ever have a real job again. I love being home with the kids and teaching them and helping them learn new things. I love when I see the kids grasp a new concept. Like Benson just figured out that there is a capital and a lowercase of each letter, and it has been really thrilling for me to see him recognize the differences. Joy school has been really fun for us because other moms teach 7 out of 8 times, and so Benson has been able to learn new things that I wouldn't have thought to teach him and then he gets to show me. Like today, he wanted to say the Pledge of Allegiance, so we started saying it and I went completely blank in the middle. But Benson just reminded me what came next.
Can you believe I forgot the Pledge of Allegiance. I know, right? You would think I'm completely un-American. I will assure you, however, that I am proud to be an American. In fact, the other day there was an awesome deal online where you could get a free pair of glasses, just pay shipping. So I ordered a pair of glasses for Benson and one for myself and they were called "Sarah Palin". So there, I'm pretty much as American as I could get.
Sarah Palin is an interesting character. Sometimes I think she says the dumbest things, yet, I still think she's just nice and sweet as can be. I'm not sure how I feel about her being the President or Vice President, but I don't mind seeing her sitting on the sidelines of Dancing With the Stars. Yes, I watch Dancing With the Stars. In fact, I really like Bristol Palin, I'm not sure why. She isn't that good of a dancer, but that's because she's NEVER danced, unlike miss cocky Jeniffer Grey who has been on a little show called "DIRTY DANCING", and complains every single week about being so old and having so many injuries. I really hope she doesn't win. Yeah, she's the best dancer, but Kyle is so funny and Bristol is so nice and pleasant. I'm pretty much addicted to that show. Casey doesn't mind it too much, he's just glad it's not the Bachelor, which starts in January. Let the train wreck begin.
Dancing With the Stars is on tonight. It's the final show of the season, so you can be assured that I will be here tonight, watching. It's not like I can go anywhere anyways. The weather people are predicting a HUGE BLIZZARD to come tonight, so we're not supposed to leave our house. It's supposed to be so bad that Casey got sent home a little early from work today so he could beat the storm home. They say to keep your porch lights on so they can tell where the power is out, and UDOT has already decided that they aren't going to be able to keep the roads clear, so we are not supposed to go anywhere. I cancelled my hair appointment tonight, and so here I'll be. I think I'll make some soup and hot chocolate and we'll wait out the storm while we boo Jennifer Grey. I'm really excited for the storm, so let's hope the weather people are right about it or my high hopes will be crushed.
The End.
Did you get anything out of this? Yeah, me neither.