Last year at this time, we were
eagerly awaiting the arrival of this little girl.
In just 2 weeks, she will turn one. It is amazing to me that she is already one! When Benson turned one, it seemed like it was about time. But Molly seems like our baby still, although she is obviously getting bigger. The time has flown by! I can't believe it's almost been a year since she came to
join our family.
Here are some things about Molly:
She is the happiest little girl ever. Really. It is very rare to see her without a big smile! She hardly ever cries, and usually when she does, it's because Benson is squishing her or I have left her.
She loves people. She will let anyone who will, hold her. She isn't afraid of strangers and she get really excited whenever anyone pays attention to her.
She is starting to be very curious. She's starting to get into things and make messes. She understands NO, though. So far she has yet to really touch our Christmas Tee. Benson can't keep his hands off of the ornaments, and although she's curious about the tree, if we say "no", Molly won't touch it.
Molly is VERY sensitive. If she ever gets in trouble, her face melts into a big frown. She hardly ever gets in trouble, but once in a while she will, and it's always a tradgedy.
She loves Benson. He is getting better not to squish her, but sometimes he'll try to wrestle with her, and even then, she still loves him.
She's got her Daddy wrapped around her finger. All she has to do is flash her sweet smile, and he'll do whatever she wants. It's REALLY cute!
We all really adore this sweet girl. I love her red hair, bigs mile, and sweet giggle. She is the most precious little girl, but even precious girls love to get MESSY!

Here are her birthday invitations I made.