Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He's the luckiest!

Casey is SUPER lucky!!!! Besides the fact that he's married to me, he is constantly winning prizes on the radio and such. Today he won an AMAZING prize from google. (Casey loves google. It pretty much runs his life). A while ago he applied to win a logitech review with google tv, worth $300. Wellp, today google gave away 10,000 of those babies to mostly current google web developers and a few android developers. And guess who was one of the few android developers to win? You bet it was Mr. Dalpias himself, the luckiest duck I've ever known. Good thing too, cause you know Casey would have had buy it eventually (since it's google).


Em Russ said...

seriously lucky!! I would make him let me wrap it up for Christmas if I were you!

Natalie said...

I told him he had to wait till Christmas. He said no. I told him that if he didn't want to wait till Christmas, he had to wait until his birthday in January. He said no again.

Casey said...

That would be completely lame emily. And seeing how natalie is not completely lame, I'm betting she won't do that.

Em Russ said...

right... I, on the other hand, am totally lame!

Tami said...

I don't even know what it is that you won, but I bet it's awesome. Casey is the luckiest duck in the world.