Wednesday, August 5, 2009

best idea EVER!!!!

Thanks to my cousin-in-law, Marcia, I got this BRILLIANT idea to make Benson a sticker chart. Marcia made hers for potty training, but since we sort of gave up on that for a while, I made Bensey-boy a sticker chart for things he should be doing everyday. He is TRILLED to do things that he never wanted to do before, like brush his teeth. All I say is that he can put a sticker on his chart and he does whatever I tell him to!

Benson really is a good helper and he's such a good boy. I hardly ever have to get after him for anything and when I do, he gets really sad and it makes me feel like a jerk. Even for being such a good boy, he is still a very MESSY child. Hopefully our sticker chart will help him to want to help out a little bit more and keep his teeth brushed, prayers said, bed made, and room clean and help his mommy out a little during the day.

P.S. Notice the summer "Buzz Cut"... OOPS! It wasn't supposed to be that short.


Em Russ said...

I was just thinking about making one of those for my kids. Really, like 4 minutes ago I was thinking about it...

Tara said...

I do that for myself and it works, ha ha! Oh, and I love buzz cuts!

Lisa and McCord said...

He is such a cutie. You are a great mom, ya know? and I know you'll do just great with #2 also. =)