Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I got "tagged" forever ago, and am just now getting to it, so here goes:

♥ Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
♥ Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
♥ Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. I love organization!!! But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a clean person. Since I'm home all day long, I usually try to do some cleaning around the house. A lot of time, my "cleaning" turns into organizing. I'll go to put something away in the closet and end up re-arranging the whole closet. Today I thought I would do some laundry. I separated the laundry into separate categories of items that needed to be hung, jeans, socks, towels, unders, etc. And then I left them on my bed. If they were in one big pile, they would drive me crazy, but since they are separated like that, it is not a problem at all.

2. I love lists. (Stole this one from Jordan). I am obsessed with making lists for myself and for other people. And, to go along with this obsession, I also love list paper (you know those pads of paper with lines labeled "to do")... The other day, I bought 5 pads of list paper because I didn't know when I would find it again! Just like Jord, when I make lists, I often write things that I have already done on them so I can check them off, and then I'll leave the list out so Casey can see how much I did.

3. I am a semi-violent person. When something pops into my head, I'll often hit the nearest person to me and shout whatever I thought of as loud as I can. This really bugs Casey and he has to keep reminding me not to do it. I often have the urge to hit people and sometimes even bite... I know, beware!

4. I love even numbers. I will only say the prayer if it's an even number day, otherwise, it's Casey's turn. I didn't want to get married on an odd numbered day and when we were going to schedule Benson to be born, I had to make sure it was going to be an even numbered day. This is a little different, but if I ever set an alarm clock (I rarely do), I have to have the first and last number be the same for instance: 6:16, 5:45, 3:23, 7:07, etc.

5. I love fancy socks. Up until this summer, I did not own a pair of plain, white socks. It was starting to get out of control and I was beginning to look silly, so I broke down and bought white ankle socks. But they don't count cause you can't even see them when you wear them.

6. I love the Internet. There are certain sites (, ksl, blogs, email, my bank) that I check multiple times a day. Most of the time, there isn't anything new, but just in case there is, I will keep checking! The worst part is, that is only one thing per day, and still, I'll check it like 4 or 5 times cause what if they just happen to change it? Woot-offs are the worst! You can just count me out for the whole day!

7. I love getting a good deal! (oops, I did 7 quirks) I will often buy things I DO NOT NEED just because they are a good deal, hence woot. I will buy things at costco because it seems like buying in bulk is such a money saver, when I'll never use 4500 rolls of paper towels. I always think that I won't be able to find a good deal again or I'll justify buying something because "I might need it someday".... We have 50 cans of pork & beans downstairs because they were on sale. And I HATE PORK & BEANS.

That was fun. I tag: Judi, Chelsey (invite me to your blog!!!), Emily, McKenzie, Krystal, and Candace.... but only if you guys want to.


Em Russ said...

"I am a semi violent person..." (I'm still laughing!!)

Holly said...

You are such a cute girl! That was pretty funny...

Jan Haws said...

All those quirks and I love you just the way you are.fiege

Krystal said...

Nate, ok so I was cracking up for your whole post! I especially love the one about the lists. I am not a list person, but my husband is, and is always telling me I should just make a list and I'll feel so much more organized. I should just start making lists of things I've already done and leave them out for him to see ;) I also really liked the violent one, because I have been the recipient of your "sudden thought slaps" haha! But I get the urge to bite sometimes too, so you aren't alone. And the last one I loved was your obession with a good deal. I am the same! And Costco is a very dangerous place for me to shop. I probably have enough clothes to last LIncoln until he's 25 because they are always having such a good deal there! Anyways, thanks for the good laugh, it made me miss you!