Thursday, February 25, 2010

Poop YUCKY!!!

We (meaning I) have been trying to potty train Benson for a while now... If you could even call it "trying". We (meaning I) will have him pee once in a while, but nothing very consistant. This week we (meaning I) have really cracked down on it. For the last 4 days, Benson has been only wearing underwear and has done GREAT!!!!! He even goes in and pees by himself. (He loves standing up and making bubbles in the toilet water.

We (meaning I) need a little help. He will pee on the potty without any problems. He's only had 4 accidents in 4 days.... but he REFUSES to poop.

He thinks poop is "yucky" and whenever he thinks about it, he starts gagging (got that from his dad). Sometimes he'll act like he's going to poop in his underwear, so I'll put him on the toilet and he'll sit there gagging until he gets off. Casey is concerned that this is becoming a medical issue now that he's gone 4 days REFUSING to poop. We (meaning I) have given him as much fiber as he can have, too.... doesn't seem to help.

Anybody have any ideas how to get him to poop and to stop gagging?

On a side note, Molly has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now, and she is officially going to move out of the pack-n-play in our room into the crib in Benson's room. We'll see how they do tonight sharing a room.


Alana said...

Alexander is doing the exact same thing. Finally on day 4 (without pooping) I went and bought his favorite candy. He picked it out. I told him he could have some after he went poop in the toilet. He sat on the toilet, gagged, got off and asked for candy. I put him back on the toilet, got the candy showed it to him again and told him I would hold it right outside the door for when he got done. And he went poop!

Each kid is different, so good luck with the training. We are still working on the consistancy here. Going shopping is the biggest challange. We'll conquer!

aje said...

Well, you could always give him prune juice - but I don't think the both of you (meaning you, Nat) would appreciate cleaning up the mess!! ;o) Sorry to hear "the adventure" isn't so fun in this issue!

Em Russ said...

i hate you. on both issues. (Ok... not really, but I have cracked down on Abby & Zack this week and it is just as bad as when we were at moms... and Alex is about to get Ferbered (don't tell mom) because he is waking up so much. did I mention that I hate you? Really, I'm just jealous.)

Dawn said...

You should give Jenelle Jensen a call. She sells Usborne Books and there is one about everyone needs to poop. It's a cute book and not very much. Her parents live by pres. Malone and she will get it to you quick. Her number is 801 645-2562. I HATED potty training! Good luck. :)